Welcome to my blog. My name is Lizzie and this is a diary of my Mums dementia, the people who I mention in my entries are John my husband, Michael my brother, Teresa my sister and Dib and Daph who are mums brother and sister-in-law.... It has been a hard struggle and I have written a diary all through every step of her progress deeper into the illness.

Tuesday 31 January 2012

Sorting our Respite and lunchtime carer

Tuesday 1st June 2010

Got to Mums at 8am gave her breakfast and her meds also helped her have a bath, John and I did some housework for her.

 Had to look for her glasses as she had lost them once again!  I couldn’t find them anywhere, so left a note to the carers to that effect.

 We walked up to the village and got her some shopping and stocked up her food cupboard. When we got back I got her a cup of tea and a slice of cake, before we left I got her a sandwich and cake and a glass of Lambruso.  I left her a home cooked meal to have later in the afternoon

Michael picked me up at 2pm and we went to Daphs to have a meeting with Sharon Hale from Social Services, to fill in the 42 page form to apply for 2 weeks respite care at West View in Tenterden, with the hope that it would lead to a permanent placing.

We also sorted a lunch time carer to go in to make sure she is eating lunch time, she would start tomorrow.  She also sorted out a carer to go in on Tuesday 29th June as I have a hospital appointment so I can’t go over to her.

John picked me up and on the way home we noticed that Michael had gone into mum, he said that when he got there mums back door was unlocked and that she was in bed!

Wednesday 2nd June

1.30pm the Town and Country lunch time carer phoned to say that she had gone to mum at that mum wasn’t there.  I told her that it was best to leave it for today and that I would try and find out where she was!

I phoned Dib and told him, he said that mum was there as another neighbour had gone over to him and said that mum was wondering up and down the road not knowing where she was, so he went and found her and took her back with him, she was now with him.

Did said that they would keep and eye on her at this time of the day from now on

I phoned Town and Country and explained what had happened.

Saturday 5th June

(We managed to get a couple of days away) I phoned mum to say that we would be popping in to see her and she said ‘Thank goodness I wondered where you had been, I haven’t seen you for a very long time’.

We got to mums just after 9am she looked very disorientated and a bit far away! I got her a cup of tea and a slice of cake and  we sat outside in the garden as it was a lovely sunny day.

Michael phoned and was surprised that we were there and that he was going to pop over, I told him that it was fine as we were only staying for a little while.

I told mum that Michael was coming over and she got very excited, saying ‘do I look Ok’ and  ‘ I wonder where he is taking me’ I told her that he hadn’t mentioned that he was taking her anywhere, just that he was coming over, she got very fidgety and then stood in the front garden until he arrived.  The first thing she asked him was ‘where are you taking me’.  I reminded him that the carer would be there at 12.30pm

Saturday 7 January 2012

Thursday May 27th - Sunday 29th May 2010

Thursday 27th May 2010

Michael called in, we talked about mum and I told him that I needed more help, I told him that mum had been offered respite care at West View and Social Services would arrange it all, also a lunch time carer to call on her.

He told me that Alice breaks up from school today and that Teresa and Linda will be able to take her out.

He also wants to come over to Daphs on Tuesday when Sharon Hale comes from Social Services come so that he can ask some questions

Daph phoned later to say that she had a phone call from Town and Country carers to say that the carer could not lock the front door, she went over and mum had all the keys in a muddle on the table, she had taken the key ring of the back door key, when she asked mum why she had done that mum said that ‘ because it needs a whats name!’   Daph put the key back on the key ring, mum got a bit grumpy with D and said to her ‘you know everything, you do’

Later on in the afternoon Daph phoned again to say that mum had been out with the friendship club to the cinema and Verity Buckle had phoned to say that the Kino Cinema had got in touch with her to say they had found a black bag with a blue purse in it and the only name it had on it was Daphs, she said that she thought that it was mums but the cinema had got a bit ‘awkward’, Verity explained to them that mum has dementia.

I told D what mum had in her purse when I left her on Tuesday, she also had a small purse in her bag with a bit of change in it. 

I phoned Teresa, as she was with mum, to ask if mum had lost her purse and she said that they were looking for it at that moment., she said that mum was in a state and had found some money in the pot in the cabinet, but couldn’t find her purse.

Got back in touch with D and she said that she was going up to the cinema to see if she could get the bag back, she phoned me back and said that she had got the bag, she was able to tell them roughly what mum had in her purse and that there was also a small purse with some change in it.  I phoned Teresa back and told her that the bag and purse had been found and that D had it at her house.

Teresa said that she was going to have a talk with mum about Care home but it was difficult.

Friday 28th May 2010

Phoned mum in the morning but she was out so phoned again at 3pm and she was there she said that she didn’t have anyone there, I said no but Teresa came yesterday, she remembered that she had been there and also said that she had been ‘over there’ which I took to mean she had been over to D & D’s and there wasn’t anyone there, I told her that Daph was at work and Dib was probably in the back garden and didn’t here her.

Told her we would be over in the morning , she said ‘good’ I said that we couldn’t go today as we were busy, she said ‘you don’t have to thingy’ I said do you mean ‘justify why we can’t come over’ she said ‘yes that’s it’

Saturday 29th May 2010

Mum looked really well when we got there today, she complained that it was really cold, so checked the central heating and it had been turned right down so turned it back up to 20, We sat at the kitchen table and had a cup of tea, mum said that ‘he had come and picked her up’ I took it that she meant that Michael had picked up Teresa yesterday..( I am getting good at working things out!!) but she said he didn’t stay long and I don’t see him much, I told her that I had asked him to pop in more to see her.

When I went into the front room with her she told me that Teresa had said that she was worried about her being there on her own, I told her we were all worried about her being on her own and being safe and that she was lonely she said that she was but I am not now! she told me that she liked me being there best,  I told her that I couldn’t be there all the time as we had things that we had to do as well

Found quite a  few dirty blouses in her bedroom wardrobe so sorted them out, found a £10 note in one of the pockets

While tiding up found her walking stick plus another one, D said that she would phone Verity and Bett to see if it belongs to either of them, she took them over to her house.

When we were sitting in the garden mum said that she could always come home with us, I told her we were going shopping and said that she wouldn’t be able to come she asked ‘why are you going such a long way!’ I told her we would be over again on Tuesday.

Just before leaving I found a box of matches, I asked mum why she had them and she said that she needed them, I wanted to take them but she made me put them in the kitchen cupboard. I hope she forgets she has them. !!!

In the evening Teresa phoned and said that she had talked to mum and had told her that we were all worried about her, especially me and that she had also heard that she had lost her way home when she went to the shop (mum told her that’s not what happened)  and wouldn’t it better if she went somewhere where it was like the friendship club everyday, mum said she didn’t think she was ready for that yet!.

I told Teresa that if mum is going to stay at home that she will need a lot more help, but we both agreed that no one can be there 24 hours, she said that Linda was going to start taking her over so that they could take mum out. She said that Michael was finding it difficult to talk to mum about a care home although he thinks that is where she should be somewhere.. John and I are finding things difficult to deal with at the moment..

Sunday 29th June 2010

Daph phoned to ask where the spare lifeline was as the carer couldn’t find one this morning, she said that mum was fine this morning

Tuesday 25th May 2010- A visit from Social Services to reassess mum

Tuesday 25th May 2010

Got to mum early today she was in a terrible state, her clothes were all higgledy piggledy, she had 2 cardigans on all done up wrong and a vest which you could see through and no bra, a skirt ,not tights and her big blue walking shoes on, I gave her breakfast and her meds, and then got her to have a bath, while I did that John cleaned out her fridge and threw quite a lot of stuff away.

Daph came over just before 9am so that she could be with me when Social Services came, they arrived just after 9am two ladies came, Sharon Hale and Jackie Packham, they introduced themselves to mum and asked her a lot of questions, which mum couldn’t answer as she didn’t have a clue what they were talking about!.

They didn’t take much noticed of what we were trying to tell them until they asked if mum had been assessed lately by Dr Asprey, when I said that, yes she had and she had been retested and her score was 11 and Dr Asprey had said that most of her patients with that score are already in a care home, they actually started to listen to us, she said that because of mine and Daphs good care, mum had been able to cope so well, for so long. She offered a lunch time carer, to arrive between 12.30 -1pm, we said what happens if mum goes walk about and is not there, she said that Town and Country carers would either phone me or Daph and if it happens a lot then the carer would be cancelled.

They also offered a weeks respite care at West View Tenterden to give us a break, but we have to fill out a 26 page form!!! Sharon Hale has made an appointment to come to Daph’s house on the 1st June at 2.30pm to go through the form with us.  Mum has to agree to want to go into care as she has a say it what happens but she can go in for respite care to help us.

After Social Services left we walked up to the supermarket and we got her shopping, when we got back we sat in the garden for a while.

Before we left I got her a glass of wine and left her sitting watching  TV.

Teresa phoned me at home to see how we got on with Social Services, I told her all that had been said, she told me that when she had seen mum on Friday she had been ‘awful’ she had managed to get a lift over to Hawkhurst and when she walked a long to the village she saw mum waiting at the bus stop, when she asked mum why she was there, she told Teresa that she was waiting for her, T said to mum ‘you didn’t know what time I was coming over!, mum told her that she hadn’t been there long.

Teresa said that mum was fine when she saw her on Sunday at Michaels and I said that she would be because she had lots of people around her.  Teresa said that she said to  Michael  at about 6.30pm on Sunday that she noticed that mum looked fidgety and it would be a good idea to take her home, but he said, no he thought it would be good for her to stay longer, I don’t think that he realises that mum  had probably been up since 4am!!! That was probably the reason that she was bad on Monday.

Thursday 20th May - 24 th May 2010

Thursday 20th May 2010

Had an early phone call from Andrew  to say that Dib had been taken into the Conquest with a suspected heart attack ( thankfully it turned out to be vertigo).

We decided to go over and tell mum about Dib instead of telling her on the phone, we went over just after 9am and brought her back here for the day, she sat in the garden for a while and then she went in and sat and watched the TV, she had some lunch with us and we took her home just after 3pm, she was very muddly and confused but well in herself.

Pete came  over when we got back and he was able to reassure her that Dib was OK ( she kept getting confused and saying that it was her brother Charlie who was in hospital)    

Saturday 22nd May 2010   

Phone call from carer to say that she couldn’t find mums lifeline, I told her where we kept mums spare one.  Mum spoke to me although she called me Teresa, she asked me if we were going over today, I told her not today.  I reminded her that Teresa had been over yesterday and she said ‘Oh yes, he picked me up and do you know what happened!’ I told her no, I didn’t know, she said ‘well I better find out then!’

I told her that we would be over to see her soon.

Daph and Dib popped in for coffee and they said that mum had been very confused when they last saw her.  I phoned D later on in the day to see if Dib was OK and she said that mum had been over to see if Char was ok! She ended up staying with them for lunch and she took her home about 3pm

Sunday 23rd May 2010

Michael phoned me to ask if we were taking mum out today as he thought that he would invite mum over to his house later.  I said that she would really love that, he said that he would phone her first before going over, I told him that she wasn’t going over to D & D’s for lunch today as they were going out for lunch, so that would be really good.

Michael said that we should go and see some more care homes, I text Daph to say that Michael was going to invite mum over just incase mum goes over to them before they go out, she said that mum had already been over! She also said that Dib wanted to have a word with Michael about mum and she would phone him to see if he would go into them before picking mum up.

Monday 24th May 2010

Phoned mum she had just woken up so she was even more confused, she told me that she went to Michaels yesterday and they were all there (I think that she meant Teresa, Linda, Lissa and Family) she said that she had a nice time, but she was really tired.

She told me that she had been up to the shops this morning and she couldn’t remember how to get home, then she said ‘No, she had asked someone’ but when I said to her, you couldn’t find your way home then, she said ‘Of course I could’ .  After a while I think that what she meant was that she went to the shop and she couldn’t find her purse and had forgotten to take it with her.  She told me she had found it but there wasn’t much money in it, she said ‘but never mind, I’ll bring the bags tomorrow!’ I told her that never mind I will bring the bags tomorrow so that we can go shopping. Yes she said that’s it .

She said to me that it was my day yesterday and that she should have come to me, I told her no it wasn’t the day that I come over and it was nice for her to go to Michaels.