Welcome to my blog. My name is Lizzie and this is a diary of my Mums dementia, the people who I mention in my entries are John my husband, Michael my brother, Teresa my sister and Dib and Daph who are mums brother and sister-in-law.... It has been a hard struggle and I have written a diary all through every step of her progress deeper into the illness.

Tuesday 29 April 2014

Monday 5th December - 30th December 2011

Monday 5th December 2011

Daphne phoned from the care home to say that mum had another tumble today, she was found on the floor in the room opposite, she had been rummaging through the drawers in the room, she had found a nightie and put it in the bin.  Daphne thinks she had tried to sit on the bed and slipped down onto the floor. She had been to the Christmas entertainment this afternoon and had a glass of wine, so that may have been some of problem.  I asked her if mum was OK and she said that mum was now ready for bed and in her chair watching her TV (she has a small mark on her back and mark on her face)

I told Daphne that we would be in to see mum tomorrow.

Daphne said that she had put her slippers on top of the wardrobe as they were very worn and the bottom was hanging off and could we get her a new pair

Tuesday 6th December

Mum was having her hair done when we got to the care home, so we went up to her and she saw us and said 'Oh hello, how did you know?' I assumed she meant how did we know she was there, I told her that Tina had told us, she said 'who'.

We took her down to her room and put her TV on for her, she looked very well and happy, we sat and watched TV with her and also chatted, well she was talking to the TV.  I asked her if Michael has been into see her, she said 'he's dead, isn't he?' I told her that 'No' he was fine and not dead! she said 'Oh! good'

We walked her along to the dining room, she stopped to talk to the chap who does the maintenance jobs, she said hello to him and he told us that mum talks to him every time she sees him.

We got a nice phone of her with Karen, her favourite carer.

There is a new lady called Daisy who mum seems to be friendly with, we left her sitting with Daisy at the dining room table waiting for her lunch.

They have entertainment this afternoon (Trevor the guitarist, who, we were told,  is going to serenade them!)

I text Teresa and told her that mum had a tumble and that we had been in today and she was fine.  

Wednesday 7th December

I phoned and ordered 2 new pairs of slippers for mum, they are being delivered to her at the care home, they will put her name in them for us.

Friday 9th December

Phoned and spoke to Jasmine and told her that mum would be getting a parcel through the post and that they would be her new slippers so would they open it and give them to mum and could they throw mums old slippers away.

Tuesday 13th December

We saw mum through the window, she was in the dining room, by the time we got in there she was looking out of the window, she seemed well but kept yawning, she was with Betty and Daisy (the new lady).

We sat in the dining room for a while, it felt like we were in some other world, all three were chatting about something different but were quite happy.  We took her along to her room so we could have some quiet time with her.  She wanted to go to the loo, so I took her, I had to go and find some dry padded knickers, it was quite a job getting them on her.  When Karen came in I got her to check that I had got them on the right way round!

We stayed with her for a couple of hours, she was tired, so we left her in her room watching TV.

Her new slippers had arrived and they fitted OK .

Tuesday 20th December

Mum was sitting in the chair at the end of the corridor, she was pleased to see us, we took her into her room and helped her open some Christmas cards and a couple of presents from her friend Bett, she was interested at first but soon lost interest.

Daphne came in to do mums eye drops and said that her left eye had been red and sore, the doctor came in and saw her and prescribe some eye ointment.  we stayed with her for a couple of hours and left her watching TV, she was quite content.

On Monday we had seen Charlie and he said that he has been into see mum and had given her a big box of chocolates.  There wasn't any sign of them, he had given them to her in the dining room so she had probably shared them with everyone.

Left a copy of the photo of mum and Karen for Karen when she is next on duty.

Saturday 24th December

We saw Tina on the way into see mum, she said that mum had another upset tummy, they had noticed that she had been eating a lot of chocolates and sweets so they had put them all on top of her wardrobe. (the chocolates that Charlie had taken in to her had been put in the staff cupboard!)

Mum was in her room watching TV, she was pleased to see us.  I took her a couple of little presents to open but she wasn't really interested in them.

She asked John why he was there and he told her that he had come to see her, she looked at me and said 'what did you bring her for?' she did giggle, so hope that she didn't mean it..

Laura and John came in and they bought Sasha (their dog) in with them, she was pleased to see them all, she enjoyed us all being there and at one time put us in our place when we were all talking and said, 'don't forget I'm here as well'.

We left about 12.30 and walked her along to the dining room, her friend Daisy asked her where she had been, and said to mum 'you are my friend'.

Friday 30th December

Mum in her room, we took Herbie (the dog) in with us today, she was pleased to see him and kept asking us his name, he sat on her lap for a while and she grabbed hold of his tail.

She was really muddily today, she kept asking us where we lived and said that she could come to our house, we told her that we lived a long way away and that the last time she came she was very travel sick.

We stayed a couple of hours and left her in her room.

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