Welcome to my blog. My name is Lizzie and this is a diary of my Mums dementia, the people who I mention in my entries are John my husband, Michael my brother, Teresa my sister and Dib and Daph who are mums brother and sister-in-law.... It has been a hard struggle and I have written a diary all through every step of her progress deeper into the illness.

Monday 19 January 2015

Monday 2nd January - Tuesday 31st January 2012Tuesday

Monday 2nd January 2012

Teresa phoned to see which day we were going in to see mum this week, we decided we would go in on Wednesday and she would go on Thursday

Tuesday 3rd January 

Left a message for Teresa to say that we would go and see mum on Friday as Daph is not well and we would be going over to see her, she text later and said that she would on Wednesday instead and would phone me in the evening and tell me how she is

Wednesday 4th January

Teresa phoned and said that she had been in to see mum and that she was well and happy, she had eaten a little dinner although she doesn't seem to be worried about eating anything.

Daphne told Teresa that someone was going in to 'Assess' mum on Monday, she said that she would go in if I wanted her too. Teresa told Daphne that the big box of chocolates that were taken away and put in the office from mums room could be shared with the staff.

Friday 6th January

Mum in her room when we arrived, she was pleased to see us, she was watching TV and looked happy and contended, we stayed with her for a couple of hours, she said that she wanted to stay in her room for her lunch, we went along and saw Daphne about her assessment on Monday, she explained that is was Social Services who were coming to see if care home or family had any problems and if we were happy with everything, I told Daphne that Teresa would be there as I had a hospital appointment.

While we were with Daphne Cynthia brought mum along to the dining room for her lunch, mum got very confused when she saw that we were still there.

Text Teresa and told her what the assessment was all about on Monday she said that she was quite happy to be there

Mum had asked us where the dog was which surprised us that she had remembered him.

Thursday 12th January

Mum was in her room again, we took Herbie in with us as she had asked about him last time we went to see her, she was really muddly and thought that she was seeing people on the wall, it was a hard visit today and quite upsetting, We walked her along to the dining room so she could have her lunch with the others, Karen said that she wished that she could look after mum all the time, we said that we would like that too.

Wednesday 18th January

Mum was in the lounge, she was pleased to see us although she didn't quite know who we were but she did say to Daphne  'do you know my daughter', she looked better but confused, her attention span was almost nil today, we walked her along to the dining room before we left.

Tuesday 24th January

Got a call from Daphne to say that mum was on her way to William Harvey hospital,she had slipped off her bed and hit her head on the wall, she had even left a big dent in the wall!, she had complained about her back so they thought it was best to get her seen by the doctors at the hospital, Micheal and I got there about 7.15pm, Yolanda, the carer, was with her, mum had a ECG all was OK, doctor examined her but couldn't find anything wrong, I asked if mum could have some pain killers as she was in pain so they gave her 2 x co-codamol at 8.30pm, the doctor watched her walking with a walking frame and she said that mum was fine.

We had to wait for Patient transport, as it was a long wait they transferred mum to a side ward, mum had a little nap, finally the ambulance arrived at midnight, (Micheal had his car but as it is a Discovery and impossible to mum into and the home had also sent mum in without a coat or slippers!).  I went with mum in the ambulance and when we got back to the care home we waited until the carers got mum comfortable in her bed.  I told the carers that mum had been given painkillers and could they change her her,

I told Michael that we would leave going in to see mum until Thursday

Wednesday  25th January

Phoned to see how mum was, Daphne said that she was very stiff and said that she and Tina had got her up this morning and she was sitting in her chair in her room.  I told Daphne that we would be in tomorrow.

John said that as I was worried about her it would be best to go and see her today, Daphne saw us at the front reception and said that she thought that we were weren't gong in until tomorrow, she said that she was surprised that the hospital hadn't done a urine test, blood test or x-ray, she is down to see the doctor tomorrow and that she would phone if there were any problems.

Mum was confused but looked better this morning she only had a bruise on her hand and back of her head was sore, we stayed with her for about and hour and left her watching TV ... got her to eat a couple of jelly sweets'

Saturday 28th January

Phone the care home to see how mum was, spoke to Daphne, she said that mum was happy but she was still not eating a lot mainly jam sandwiches, biscuits and cake!.  The doctor saw her on Thursday and checked her over, he checked her eyes and the back of her head and said that all was fine.

Daphne said that the only visible marks on her was a small bruise on her bottom and a bruise on her hand.  

Tuesday 31st January

Mum was at the hairdressers when we got to the care home, Teresa was there too, we went over to the coffee shop at Tesco while mum was having her hair done, when we got back mum was still at the hairdressers,  I went up and got her and she said 'Oh good, don't leave me' then she said 'where's John'.

Tina said that mum wasn't eating and that they had to feed her, they also have to use the hoist to get her into bed at night, she is alright getting out of bed in the morning.  Teresa and I took it in turns to feed her dinner to her, she wouldn't eat her pudding so Tina gave her some ice cream which she ate OK, she seems to have lost the ability to feed herself, she sits and opens her mouth so we can put the food in but has no inclination to feed herself, she was very confused and kept looking around as if she couldn't work out where she was, when John said a couple of cheeky things to her she either said 'Christ' or Bloody hell'. she still has her sense of humour. we left about 1.30pm she wasn't really interested that we were leaving.

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