Welcome to my blog. My name is Lizzie and this is a diary of my Mums dementia, the people who I mention in my entries are John my husband, Michael my brother, Teresa my sister and Dib and Daph who are mums brother and sister-in-law.... It has been a hard struggle and I have written a diary all through every step of her progress deeper into the illness.

Monday 19 January 2015

Tuesday 7th February - 29th February 2012

Tuesday 7th February 2012

Mum in her room, she was pleased to see us, spoke to Karen and she said that mum had good/bad days, she feeds herself one day and the next day they have to do it for her.  Mum had jam all down her top so changed it for her and brushed her hair, she wanted to go to the toilet, we couldn't get her up so had to get Mervyn, the carer to help us, I took her to the toilet but she had an accident so had to get the carer to get some fresh underwear for her, he took so long I had to go and find him, poor mum was on the loo for 10 minutes.  Karen came in and help me in the end.

Mum was a bit better today, we got her to eat 2 biscuits and drink a cup of tea, she was happily confused today.

Wednesday 15th February

Daphne caught us before we went in to see mum to say that mum was going for an x-ray on her leg first thing tomorrow as doctor wanted to see if she had done any damage when she fell, as she is walking badly, she is holding her foot out, we had thought that for a while.

Mum was pleased to see us, she looked frail and seems to be shrinking into her chair.  I had to change her top and vest as she had spilt her tea down her front.  Karen told us that she was taking mum for her x-ray tomorrow.

Thursday 16th February

Charlie messaged me to say that he saw mum at the hospital while she was waiting to go in for her x-ray and she gave him a lovely big smile which made his day

Tuesday 21st February

Mum was sitting just outside the lounge, she was pleased, as usual, to see us. We took her to her room, she talked non stop, she noticed that I had a cold and mentioned it a couple of times, she seemed quite happy.  We turned her TV on for her she started to wave at Philip Scofield, bless her ... John said to her about going dancing and she said 'Not bloody likely'.

When we went to go home she said 'You can't go home'  John told her that I had to go to the doctors to get some tablets for my cold and she seemed quite happy with that , she would have been in her element if we had stayed watching TV with her all day..

Wednesday 29th February

Mum was wondering along the corridor and it took her quite a while to realise who we were, Daphne told us that the x-ray was OK and all was normal, the doctor had referred her to a throat/speech therapist as she is having trouble swallowing, she hadn't eaten any breakfast.  I took her in some homemade cake but she couldn't eat is as couldn't swallow.  Karen came and helped her eat a yogurt it took quite a while as mum had to be encouraged to eat.  She was very sleepy and kept nodding off.

She had new curtains in her room but her table was very dirty.  JJ cleaned it, some off the bits must have been on there for quite while as it took a lot of cleaning!

We left mum dozing in her chair.

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