Welcome to my blog. My name is Lizzie and this is a diary of my Mums dementia, the people who I mention in my entries are John my husband, Michael my brother, Teresa my sister and Dib and Daph who are mums brother and sister-in-law.... It has been a hard struggle and I have written a diary all through every step of her progress deeper into the illness.

Wednesday 21 January 2015

Monday 9th July - Wednesday 25th July 2012

Monday 9th July

I went in to see mum with her friends Jean, Bett and Ann, she was so pleased to see them all, her face lit up when they walked in, she said that didn't know who they were but she loved it that they had gone in to see her, she talked a lot and was interested in everything that they were telling her about all the things that she did for the Legion, they told her that she was 'the boss' and in charge, she just laughed and said 'was I', she told them that 'they leave me here on my own'.  She said that she didn't know us and Jean said 'you know Liz, your daughter' and she said 'of course I know her'.  Mum asked me where Char was I asked her if she meant John and she said 'Oh Yes' I told her that he was at home with a headache.

It was nice to see her so happy while they were there, even though she didn't know them, They told her that they would go back and see her and take some photos of them all together.

I took her in a couple of smaller blouses for her as all of hers are too big.

Wednesday 11th July

Michael phoned to say that they had a phone call last night from the care home to say that mum had choked last night on her dinner, they call the GP and he said that she must have her food liquidised from now on.

Wednesday 18th July

Mum was in the dining room, we took her along to her room.  Tina came in and said that she wanted to take a look at mum as when she was having her bath this morning the carer noticed that she had a bruise on her left shoulder, she said that she was off yesterday but in the accident book it said that she had another fall.  I also noticed that she was very red over her right eye, the carer said that it was like that before her fall.

Mum really wanted to go out, John told her that if it was nice next week we would take her out for a ride in the car.  She looked very stooped over and thin today, she was very sleepy and kept nodding off, she was quite happy when we left .

Phoned Michael when we got home and told him about mums fall he said that he would tell Teresa.

Tuesday 24th July

Teresa text to ask which  day we were going in to see mum, I told her that we were going in tomorrow

Wednesday 25th July

Mum sitting in the lounge, she said 'Oh good' when we spoke to her, we asked her if she would like to go out, she said yes she would, we asked her where she would like to go, she did a lot of rambling and said that she didn't know.  I got a wheelchair and we took her to her room to tidy her up and brush her hair, she looked very disappointed as she thought that we just going to stay there, I explained to her that I needed to get her ready to go out.

It was difficult getting her into the car, made worse by a lady who thought that she was being helpful and started telling us the right way to put and old person in a car.... Mum enjoyed the ride, we took her to Ham Street garden centre, luckily she was OK getting out of the car.    She always likes to look at all the flowers, John picked each one up and told her all the names but couldn't keep her attention very long, several times she asked him who he was.

I took my big straw hat and we sat outside in the sunshine and had an ice cream in a sundae glass, we had to feed mums to her as she couldn't do it herself, she keep saying that it was nice and loved watching all the people coming and going.  When we got up to go the lady from the cafe took mums hand and told her that it was lovely to meet her and looked forward to seeing her again.

It was hard getting her back into the car, she kept flopping back into the wheelchair.  When we got back to the care home we took her to her room and put her in her armchair. She was engrossed in TV when we left..

It was a nice outing for us all.


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