Welcome to my blog. My name is Lizzie and this is a diary of my Mums dementia, the people who I mention in my entries are John my husband, Michael my brother, Teresa my sister and Dib and Daph who are mums brother and sister-in-law.... It has been a hard struggle and I have written a diary all through every step of her progress deeper into the illness.

Monday 19 January 2015

Wednesday 4th April - Sunday 29th April - Mum having lots of falls

Wednesday 4th April 2012

Mum in her room watching TV, she was very happy and content she looked really well, her face looked fatter.. She was pleased to see us but her attention kept going back to the TV.  She was quite happy for us to just sit with her while she watched TV, when John said something she looked at him and seemed very surprised that he was there, I asked her if she knew who he was and she said that 'No she didn't'  I told her it was John and she said 'of course it is' . I think that she was so engrossed looking at the TV to even realise we were there,

On the way out I took some pocket money to the office for her, they were saying that mum often sits out in the reception area and also goes over to the other unit and is always happy and smiley but they had noticed that she had lost a lot of weight.

Tuesday 10th April

Teresa phoned to say that when she went in on Friday with Michael Tina had told her that she had seen the opticians and that her glaucoma had got worse,  her left eye is bad, her right eye isn't quite as bad, she also said that mum was very 'crabby' with them.

Wednesday 11th April

We found mum in the lounge she looked at us and said that she had been there nearly a year, we walked her to her room. She wanted to go to the loo so I took her, she was on good form and made us laugh several times, she asked me if I was a dog! .. She looked really well although she did talk a lot of rubbish at times but did say a lot of sentences that actually made sense.

John took a photo of mum and showed it to her, she said 'Christ I haven't seen her for ages'

When the carer came in with her lunch she said to her ' do you know who this is..it's my daughter and John' .  When we left her we told her we would see her after lunch.

Before we left we popped over to see Daphne in the other unit to tell her about Daph dying we decided not to tell mum as she would be very confused, it was a bit tearful telling her.

We asked Daphne about mums eyes and she said that is probably why mum spills a lot of her food and drink down herself .. She just laughed when I told her about mum being Crabby.

Thursday 19th April

Tina told us that mum was in the lounge she couldn't work out who John was when he looked through and tapped on the window, she looked really worried, her eye sight has got a lot worse, we got her to walk to her room, her walking has got really bad and she kept tripping over her own feet, she was very muddly again, she does seem to be much happier in her own room. She looked really grubby, her blouse had a lot of jam down the front and when I changed it I noticed her vest was very dirty too, so I changed that too, she said that she wanted to go to the bathroom, I noticed two large bruises on her, one on her buttock and one on top of her right leg.  I went a found a carer as she was very wet and mentioned the bruises to her she told me that she had noticed them before and that they were not new bruises...

On the way out I had a word with Tina, who I thought was very rude, while she was talking to me she saw Karen and shouted over my shoulder to her saying that she wanted to see Daphne, then looked at me and did say sorry, she told me that mum had had a couple of  falls and that she had told Teresa, I told her that I didn't know and she said well we can't inform everyone!.. I also asked if  mum could have a cup with a top on it as she is spilling her drink so she didn't want to drink anymore or perhaps she would find having a top on the cup undignified... she said that she would put an apron on her, I asked if they could not fill the cup so full as that is a problem too.  I wasn't happy with the situation but had to agree, because of mums failing eyesight and mobility, falls are bound to happen .. I must admit I wasn't impressed with Tina's attitude, she probably thinks we are being difficult I understand what she is saying but mum is my main concern, her health,welfare and happiness is important to us.

Mum is also back on antibiotics as she had another water infection.

3.30pm Tina phoned to say that mum had another fall, after the entertainment in the lounge, they took mum to her room but as soon as they went she decided to go for a wander, she went back into the corridor and fell down, hitting her back, Tina said she had a bruise on her back , she said that she noticed how badly mum was walking, I told her that we had noticed too,  she puts one foot right in front of the other causing her to trip, she said that she would get the doctor to see her on Tuesday.

7pm Talked to Micheal on the phone he said that Tina had called him and told him about mums fall and that the doctor had seen her and told Tina that mums 'wandering' is all part of the dementia getting worse.  Micheal said that he will go in and see mum on Friday as he is going away for the weekend, if there are any problems he will give me a ring.

Saturday 21st April

Phoned to see how mum was, spoke to Daphne she said that mum was very subdued today, she was in the dining room looking out of the window, her eyesight is a lot worse, they are trying to get her to use her zimmer frame, she will be seeing her own doctor on  Tuesday.

1.30pm Daphne phoned to say mum had yet another fall, she was OK, she had been in the lounge and had decided to get up but fell.. Daphne said that she had a word with the doctor and he had said the way mum is walking is quite common in dementia sufferers.

Sunday 22nd April

We went in to see mum as Micheal away this weekend and Teresa away until the middle of the week, we nearly walked past her, she looked so frail and her eyes looked sunken in, she was, as usual, pleased to see us.  As it was a nice day we took her for a walk, she enjoyed it, although she did say 'it's bloody cold' .

We took Herbie with us, she made a bit of a fuss of him but I think that the other ladies enjoyed him being there more that she did.

We left her in the dining room with the others, she was quite happy when we left.

Tuesday 24th April

Michael phoned early evening and spoke to John, he said that Tina had phoned and told him that mum had another fall, the doctor had been and checked her over and found no breaks or fractures. They are still having trouble keeping her from wandering around.  I phoned and had a long chat with Tina, mum had got cross with them and shouted at them when they told her that she must stay in her chair and not to walk around as she keeps tripping up.

Friday 27th April

Mum was in the dining room, she was pleased to see us, a new young carer was with her, we had a good giggle with her as she was a lot brighter, although she kept getting distracted by the other visitors, it was nice to see her looking better. I tried to get her to go to the hairdresser but she refused to go.

Sunday 29th April

Teresa text to say she was going in to see mum with Lissa on Tuesday she had been in today and mum was a lot brighter.

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