Welcome to my blog. My name is Lizzie and this is a diary of my Mums dementia, the people who I mention in my entries are John my husband, Michael my brother, Teresa my sister and Dib and Daph who are mums brother and sister-in-law.... It has been a hard struggle and I have written a diary all through every step of her progress deeper into the illness.

Sunday 23 March 2014

Sunday 2nd October - Monday 31st October 2011.. Mum suffering from Upset Tummy

Sunday 2nd October 2011

Michael picked me up at 1.30pm and we went and picked Teresa up, we finally got to mum at 3pm, it confused mum that we were all there together, she looked at me and asked me where Horace was (she meant JJ).

We took her to her room and Karen got her changed and ready for us to take her out, she was pale and red eyed when we got there but cheered up while we were out, we took her to the Outlet centre.  Michael pushed her around in the wheelchair, she enjoyed looking in the shop widows and watching all the people walking by. We stopped at a cafe and sat outside and she had some cake (only managing to eat half of it) and a cup of tea, she only managed to drink a little, the rest she threw on the ground, we were glad that we had sat outside!.  She talked a lot, she got very frustrated about not getting the right words out.

We got her back just before 5pm, just in time for supper, when we opened the door of the unit she said, 'Oh good' and seem relieved to be back ,  she was really tired and they gave her supper in the lounge.  We left her eating her soup, sandwiches and a few crisps

Karen told us that she would like to have 30 Annies and she is great to look after and has a good sense of humour..

(I do notice that the foreign carers are nowhere near as caring as the English girls)

Wednesday 5th October

Teresa phoned to say she had been into see mum and that she still has a tummy upset, stiff neck and a cold, she was rambling quite a lot but she seemed happy in herself, she got them to do a urine test to see if she had another water infection but they said that all was OK. They also want to take a stool sample.

She hasn't been eating very well but Teresa managed to get her to eat a little ice cream.

Mum wanted to know where I was as she said that she hadn't seem me for such a long time!

Thursday 6th October

Mum recognised us as soon as we got in the door and said to Karen, this is my daughter, she was pleased, as always to see us, she told us that her neck was stiff. She looked well and said a few funny things which made us laugh, she mentioned Hawkhurst and work, I asked her if she had been strawberry picking, she looked really puzzled, so I told her that she also used to clean for Mr and Mrs Staypleton-Smith, he eyes lit up and she asked it they were OK.

I noticed that she didn't have her teeth in,  Karen went and got them and we had a giggle as Karen tried to put them in for her, we were talking about us as children and JJ was trying to get mum to write her name down, she could only manage the A. JJ wrote her name down and she recognised Annie but not Ditton, when we told her that her surname was Ditton and that was her married name, she asked us 'why did I get married'!

Mum is really fond of Karen and every time she walked past she tried to get her attention, she was yawning and JJ said 'did you get up early'  and she said 'yes' JJ asked her why she had done that and she replied that she had wanted to 'fart' (not a word she would have used before her illness).

Mum asked us where we lived so I asked her where she lived and she said 'here, I wouldn't go any where else' we left her in the dining room waiting for her lunch.

It was a very amusing visit.

Mum had eaten some supper and also breakfast, mum seems to be a popular resident with all the staff       (Karen told me that they had taken a stool sample but results would take a while to come back)

Friday 7th October

Daph phoned, she was with mum, she asked me if mum had been complaining about her shoulder, I said that she hadn't complained about her shoulder but her neck and that the staff were aware of it.

Daph phoned when she got back, she said that mum was in good spirits and looked really well apart from complaining about her shoulder, she walked with them to the door when they left, Karen came and go her as they were worried that she would follow them out.

Friday 14th October

We saw mum down the corridor trying to get Jasmines attention, I think that she wanted to go to the toilet. We went up to her and said hello to her, she was relieved to see us, I took her to her room, I told Jasmine that she wanted to go to the toilet and she said that she would get a member of staff to help her but I took her myself, she had a terrible upset tummy. I went and asked for a member of  staff to come and change her, eventually someone came.  (I was not particularly happy with the situation and wondered what would have happened if we hadn't come along).

She wanted to sit in her room, it was lovely and sunny, she was really muddily and confused and told us that 'they wouldn't take any notice of me'.

The staff told me that she had been tearful on Tuesday, her tummy upset is beginning to drag her down, I think that she may have yet another UTI.  I spoke to Jasmine and she told me that they had tried to take a water sample in the week but because of her upset tummy it was hard to do one.

We stayed with her for a couple of hours, we sat with her and looked through her photo albums with her and watched a little TV, we took her along to the dining room, she was reluctant to let us go but we told her that we would see her later, it is hard leaving her when she is like this.

I text Teresa and told her mum was muddled and has still got her tummy upset, she said that she was like that the day before when she went in but she had been quite happy, she is going in with Michael on Sunday and will let me know how she is, I told her that we would be going in on Tuesday.

Saturday 15th October

Phoned to see how mum was, I spoke to Tina, she said that mum was quite happy but not eating properly and still had a tummy upset, I told her that when we went in yesterday I had spoken to Jasmine and she said that they had been unable to do a water test because of her tummy upset,she said that she hadn't been told anything about that and thinks that mum should see the doctor and would put her on the list to see him on Tuesday, she said that she would have a word with Daphne to see if she needs to see him earlier.  Tina thinks that she can be given medicine to stop her tummy being upset.  She said that mum does like to spend more time in her room these days.

I told her that we would be in on Tuesday and perhaps we may be able to see the doctor.

Sunday 16th October

Teresa text to say that they had been into see mum today and she still had her tummy upset, she looked very pale but she would be seeing the doctor on Tuesday, she would probably go in again on Wednesday.  I text back and said that I knew that she would be seeing the doctor and we would go in on Tuesday and hopefully be able to see him.

Tuesday 18th October

Mum was in her room having her eye drops put in, she looked a bit sad and talked a lot of rubbish, she thought that the chap on the TV was talking to her, she was a bit muddled, she told us that she was so glad that we were there.  The doctor came in and he prescribed some medication to stop her upset tummy, hopefully they will start to worked quickly and that she gains some energy.

We took her in some sweets, which she enjoyed, the longer we were there the happier she was, we decided that, as she is spending more time in her room we would get her a better TV ( Text Michael and Teresa, Micheal phoned later on and said that getting her a new TV was a good idea) .

We took her along to the dining room to have her lunch and told her we would see her later, she was very sad about us going but when we waved at her through the dining room window she was happy and smiling.

Friday 21st October

We went into Currys in Tunbridge Wells and got mum a new TV with freeview, the old one is not digital and would be obsolete in a few months time.

Tuesday 25th October

Mum was talking to Betty in the dining room, we stood watching her for a while and then I called her and she turned round and was really pleased to see us.  We took her new TV into her room and JJ set it up for her but she hadn't got a clue that it was different! she was pleased that we were with her and was quite happy for us to just sit with her.  She kept trying to to look at my hand and hold it, she kept saying that she was glad that we were there, she said that she was bored, so we took her to Ham Street garden centre, we had a look round and then went into the cafe for cake and a cup of tea she really wasn't interested in either.

When we took her back she asked if we were in Hawkhurst I told her that 'No' this is where you live, I have decided that I will just say 'yes' next time she asks.  When we got back into the unit she was really relieved. Mervyn told her that he had kept her some dinner, we sat her in the lounge and Mervyn brought her dinner into her, we said that we had to go and she said 'are you coming back later' and we said that we would.

Friday 28th October

Phoned and spoke to  Daphne, mum is still having episodes of upset tummy, she had been give 2 tablets today and she was eating little but often, if no better by Tuesday she will get the doctor to see her again, he may want to send her for further investigations.

Daphne says that mum loves her new TV and she is in her room more.  I told her that we would be in on Tuesday and hopefully be able to talk to the doctor again.

Monday 31st October

Teresa phoned to say that she had been in to see mum today and that she was very depressed and she still had a tummy upset, I told her that I had phoned on Friday and that Daphne had said that mum would be put on the list to see the doctor again tomorrow.  Teresa was worried that mum had 'given up' I said that the constant tummy upsets must be awful for her as she has had it for such a long time it must be getting her down and making her depressed.

I told her that we would be going in tomorrow, she said that Michael was away in Italy at the moment so she hadn't seen anyone over the weekend, so she would go in another day this week.

I told her that I would text her tomorrow or leave a message on her answer phone to let her know how mum is.

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