Welcome to my blog. My name is Lizzie and this is a diary of my Mums dementia, the people who I mention in my entries are John my husband, Michael my brother, Teresa my sister and Dib and Daph who are mums brother and sister-in-law.... It has been a hard struggle and I have written a diary all through every step of her progress deeper into the illness.

Wednesday 19 March 2014

Wednesday 3rd August - Friday 26th August 2011

Wednesday 3rd August 2011

Mum was pleased to see us, she was sitting by the computer desk when we arrived, we sat there with her for a while, she was trying to tell us about someone, when Jessica came storming up the corridor shouting for Daphne, saying that she was spiteful and why had she taken her knitting wool away from her.  Mum looked at her and said ' Oh Christ not again!' apparently they had to take the knitting and wool away from Jessica because she was found with the wool wrapped around her neck!.

We took mum out into the garden, she told us that she had been out but couldn't remember where or who with, but did remember that there was a little boy there..(Michael, Linda, Teresa Lissa and Frankie went in on Saturday and took her to Dobies Garden Centre) ..She was different today, quite quiet.

Thursday 11th August

Mum was looking out of the dining room window when we arrived, she was as usual, pleased to see us, I said to her do you know who this is about John, she said 'Of course I do, I know him more than I do you!'.

We went and sat in the lounge for a while, mum looked really well and seemed fine, she mentioned Michael a few times, I think that in her way she was trying to say about going out with him at the weekend, she said that she had been to the same place and had liked it!.  I told her that yesterday I had spoken to Auntie Nora from Manchester and she had sent her love, her face lit up, I asked her if she remember her, she raised her eyes and said 'of course I do'.

Cynthia came in and asked if mum would like to do some baking, mum said 'Oh Christ', we took her along to the dining room anyway, we helped her do the mixing, she really wasn't that interested in doing it, Cynthia asked her if she would like to go out on the mini bus this afternoon and she said that, yes she would, she seemed quite happy about it, we left her just as they were getting lunch ready to serve.

Wednesday 17th August

It took mum quite a few minutes to realise who we were when we got there today, when she finally did realise it was us she said  'Oh good it's my ............' she couldn't remember who we were.   JJ said to her it's good of us to come and see you isn't it, she looked at me and said, yes, it is, even though I don't know who you are.  I said to her 'mum, I'm your daughter Liz' she said 'I know that!'

We went outside and sat in the garden, mum was saying about when we went to that place, we realised that she was talking about going to the park, so we asked her if she would like to go again and she said 'yes please' so we went and got a wheelchair, we had to sit on the sofa in the reception area for a while as one of the ladies from the other unit was trying to get out of the front door, so they had to lock all the doors and get her back into the unit.

We took mum to Tesco first to choose a cake to take to the park, we had fun and games with the wheelchair as the foot rests kept falling off, so we said to mum 'hold your legs up', which she found really funny, we sat on the bench and ate our cake and she sat looking at the pond for a while.  We took her back and got her ready for lunch, we said to her 'see you later' and she replied 'no, you are staying' we had to tell her that 'no' we had to go and that 'we would see her later'. We told her that Teresa was would be going in tomorrow, she got very tight lipped and said that she thought that we were staying with her.

Friday 26th August

Mum was on her own in the lounge, I stood in the doorway and said hello to her, she put her hand above her eyes and said 'Hello, do I know you?' I said 'It's me, Liz' she said 'Oh! of course it is'.  This is the first time for a while what she has looked really, really well, she talked and talked, not a lot we understood, she told us that they were all very nice to her there and she liked it, her attention span is not good and she gets distracted very quickly, we spent the whole of the visit in the lounge with her at 12.30 we took her along to the dining room to have her lunch.

Daphne told us that the other day mum was sitting at the front while Daphne was working on the computer and Bill, one of the other residents came along, saw mum and went up to her and said 'Hello, what's your name, I like you' poor mum was horrified and asked Daphne what he said, it got her quite flustered, poor Bill, he doesn't usually like the ladies.  Daphne said the look on mums face was priceless.


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