Welcome to my blog. My name is Lizzie and this is a diary of my Mums dementia, the people who I mention in my entries are John my husband, Michael my brother, Teresa my sister and Dib and Daph who are mums brother and sister-in-law.... It has been a hard struggle and I have written a diary all through every step of her progress deeper into the illness.

Friday 14 March 2014

Tuesday 5th July - Tuesday 26th July 2011 ..The Anti-depressants are starting to work

Tuesday 5th July 2011

Mum was sitting just outside the dining room, as usual, she was pleased to see us, JJ asked her how she was feeling and she said 'bloody awful'.  We decided to take her for a slice of cake and a cup of tea.  We got a wheelchair and took her over to Tesco but the coffee shop was closed for 5 months, as it is being refurbished, so we got some cakes and cold drinks and walked over to the park, we sat on the seat by the pond and she really enjoyed it, she kept saying that she had been there before but she hadn't, we wondered if she was remembering the pond at the bottom of the road where she uses to live.

On the way back we saw the handyman who said that mum had gone out with him this morning to water the garden, he says that he is really fond of mum and they often had a chat and he would really miss her when he left at the end of the month.

When we got back mum recognised the front of the home and said  'shall we go somewhere else' JJ told her that he had to got to work, she looked at him and said ' You liar', she was OK by the time we got back inside, we took her into the dining where all the others were, she got quite jealous when Betty was making a fuss of JJ.

We left her sitting ready for her lunch, we said our goodbyes and we said see you late, she replied, 'when, next year!'

Friday 8th July

Daph phoned to say they had been into see mum and that she was well and pleased to see them, she recognised Dib but couldn't remember Daphs name, they stayed with her for about 2 hours.

Monday 11th July

Michael phoned to say that when they went into see mum on Saturday, Teresa was disgusted with mums shoes, they were very dirty and smelly, she took them home to clean them and put new liners in them, she says that she needs new ones! I told him that it would be best for him and Teresa to get them when they take her out to the shop at the weekend, if they let me know how much they are I will get the money out for them, he also said that Daphne suggested that we get mum some trainers socks to wear with her shoes.

Thursday 14th July

Mum was talking to Jessica and Enrika when we arrived, JJ called  'Annie'  she turned round and was really excited to see us, her first words were, where shall we go?, we took her into the lounge, I noticed that mums hair needed a good brush but couldn't find her brush, (I must take in a couple of new ones when we next go in)

Teresa had put new liners in mums shoes but when we went to put mums shoes on they weren't there. Karen helped us look for them and we found them under her bed.

She looked relaxed and happy today, she was happy to see us and told us a couple of times that she was so glad that we had gone in to see her today.  Cynthia came in the lounge and asked mum if she would like to make some cakes, mum said, No, but we encouraged her to go along and join in, which she did (JJ did most of it).   

A new lady called Lillian joined mum and they did cake making together, mum had lost her glasses, again, we had only walked from the lounge to the dining room, Karen took mum to see if she had put them down the front of her blouse!, then while we were talking she put her hand up her sleeve and pulled out her glasses! 

She mentioned a couple of  times about going to the park, she had really enjoyed it and remembered it, which was a surprise, I told her that I would pack a picnic next time and we will do it again.

Wednesday 20th July

We have not been able to go into see mum for a few days as JJ has a really bad sore throat and cold, I phoned to see how mum was and spoke to Daphne, she said that mum was really good and that the anti-depressants are working, she said that she would tell mum that I had phoned and would give her my love.

Friday 22nd July

JJ was a lot better so we went into see mum this morning, she was sitting by the computer desk and her face lit up when we walked in, she was very jolly and happy.  She said that Teresa had been in and she had been to her house with her and then said she couldn't really remember if she had or not.  She was very talkative, as usual she was listening to everyone elses conversations as well as ours.

She didn't want to join in with the cake making, we stayed with her for a couple of hours, she was quite content when we left.

(I took in  2 new hair brushes and some knee high stocking type socks)

Monday 25th July

Picked up Bett and took her with us to see mum, mum was sitting with Enrika waiting to have her bath, Justina got her dressed and said that they would give her a bath later before she goes to bed.  We took her into the garden as it was a lovely day.  I took a flask and had made some cakes,  It was lovely to sit outside and mum was really jolly and happy, she was really pleased to see Bett.  We stayed with her for about 2 hours.  It was a really lovely visit.

Mums eye looked a bit gunky, I did tell Daphne before we left.

Tuesday 26th July

Daph phoned to say they had been into see mum, they took Bobbi and Chloe with them.  Mum was in her room and was just going along to the lounge to listen to the chap who had come in to play the organ, as it was entertainment day, she was really good and happy to see them all, they all went in the lounge with her and stayed to listen to the entertainment.

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