Welcome to my blog. My name is Lizzie and this is a diary of my Mums dementia, the people who I mention in my entries are John my husband, Michael my brother, Teresa my sister and Dib and Daph who are mums brother and sister-in-law.... It has been a hard struggle and I have written a diary all through every step of her progress deeper into the illness.

Wednesday 19 March 2014

Thursday 1st September - 29th September 2011 .. A little bit more of mum is leaving us .

Thursday 1st September 2011

Mum was very distant when we arrived, she was not really very 'with it', she had a catalogue on her lap but she couldn't name any of the things in it, John pointed to an iron and asked her what it was and she said ' it's shit!'.

We took her outside as it was a lovely day but she didn't want to stay out very long, she said that she was chilly, she also said that it didn't seem right!  We took her back in as she said that she was very tired, we found her a nice comfy chair and left her in the lounge and told her to have a nap before lunchtime.

Monday 12th September

We haven't been in to see mum for over a week but had phoned and spoken to Tina who said that she was fine, she had a couple of bad days where she she hated everyone but that's nothing unusual.

She was in the dining room in the armchair, we stood at the door and it took her a few minutes to realise we were there to see her, she looked well and quite happy, she talked a lot and asked me several things that I couldn't understand, I answered yes a couple of times but got caught out saying yes in the wrong place!... She asked me about Uncle Charley and I had to tell her that he had died several years ago.

She did make us laugh when JJ asked her is she could read she looked at him and called him a 'cheeky bugger'.  Unfortunately, Betty then came into the room and took over quite a lot, mum answered her sometimes but most of the time mum looked at her with a bemused look on her face, although Betty can be amusing it can take it's toll on you sometimes.

We asked mum how many children she had, she said that she didn't know so we told her that she had 3, she looked really surprised and said 'have I'  and she said that she didn't know that.  It was tea and cake time while we were there, mum was trying to give her cake away, which we have noticed happening quite a lot with her food,she also is always asking how much she has to pay for it.

We stayed for an hour,  it was very, very hot there which we both found uncomfortable, so we left mum and told her we would see her later, she was quite happy about us going.

Wednesday 21st September

Mum was on her own in the lounge, I walked in and she looked at me and said  'have you come to see me'  I said 'yes, do you know who I am?'. she said . 'you are my darling.......'  I told her that I was her daughter and she said of course you are, she looked really well, she talked a lot but not one sentence made any sense.

She laughed a lot and told us she was pleased to see us, we were watching the TV and she pointed to the screen and said 'Oh! look at that cow' (it was a horse!).  She asked once again where we lived, so JJ asked her where she lived and she said 'here'.  Her attention span is getting less each time we visit, every time someone walked up the corridor her attention moved from us to them.  She said that she hadn't been down there, meaning the corridor, I told her that was where her room was, she said that she didn't go in it, so we asked her where she went to sleep she said that she never went to sleep.

We walked her along to the dining room, everyone we past talked to us and mum was surprised that they knew us, she gets a little jealous when they talk to us and not her.  She was quite happy when we left.

Wednesday 28th September

I phoned and spoke to Daphne to see how mum was, she is fine but she had been suffering from and upset tummy and she was keeping herself to herself and staying in her room, she reassured me that mum was OK . She told me that mum was seeing the chiropodist later on today.  I explained that we had been unable to get in as we didn't have the car for a few days as it was being repaired.

Thursday 29th September

I phoned Michael and asked if I could go in with him to see mum at the weekend as we wouldn't have the car back until next Friday, he said that he would pick me up.  He said that last week he had taken mum around Tescos they had got a cake and then gone to the park, he said that she had mentioned The Moor and said to him that she didn't expect that she would ever go back to her house!

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